tithing and the 10 apples


Why Do we give?

Jesus taught generosity and sacrifice as an essential part of following him, constantly urging his disciples to think about their relationship to their possessions. We believe that giving to the church is an investment in God’s vision and purpose for our community. Giving forms us as generous people by teaching us that God has given us so much – we must also give extravagantly. Giving also teaches us healthy financial habits and enables us to make a much bigger difference in the lives of those around us.

How Your financial investment

Enables Sierra Vista to Make a Difference.

Below, you will find what we refer to our Narrative Budget. Please click on any area to find out the scope of that ministry and then look for the percentages that Sierra Vista invests in each area represented in the graph in the next section below.

  • At Sierra Vista, we have always counted our children as one of our greatest blessings. We minister to over 350 children every week through our nursery, CDC, and Children’s KICK Ministry. Our Children’s Ministry also provides special events for families throughout the year, such as our Christmas Eve Worship Experience. The proposed budget for the Children’s Ministry in 2024 includes staffing and nursery expenses.

  • Our students continue to have tons of fun – all while engaging in deep conversations and growing in their relationship with Christ. This past year, our youth went on a summer mission trip to impact the lives of Military Families at YoungLife Camp. Sierra Vista continues to seek ways to involve more students and strengthen the faith of those already coming. This category supports our students in that effort through staffing and operating expenses.

  • Adult faith formation opportunities continue to expand and diversify. On average, over 225 people participate weekly in deepening their spiritual walk – mind, body, and soul through opportunities like Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies, our Gathering Groups, and our Sunday School Ministry, etc. The proposed budget for Faith Formation includes curriculum and supplies for helping people to discover the next steps on their faith journey.

  • The center of our church life is our worship experience. Our unique ability to both meet people where they are combined with our emphasis on being grounded in sacred traditions, such as Communion and the Lord’s Prayer, has enabled us to reach an average of over 400 people each week. The budget provides for expenses such as videos, music, and aesthetics. The largest component of this expense goes towards worship staff.

  • Even after renovations and updates, our facilities continue to increase in costs to run and support the various ways our church ministers. During the upcoming year, we remain encouraged that our members, regular supporters, and outreach activities will continue to help us fill every empty seat enabling us to refine and focus God’s vision for Sierra Vista as we move into the future with faith and excitement.

  • While this budget category provides 15% of our operating budget for a wide variety of mission and outreach work that our church supports, our people do much more than is reflected here. Sierra Vista seeks to serve others through risk-taking service both here at home and throughout our world through opportunities like: Harvest Fest, Summer SALT, Kids Eat Free, our Food Ministry, Children’s Bed Project and Bunk and a Prayer; our adoption of families at Christmas; and our children and student ministry missions, etc.

  • Between the CDC, Children’s and Youth Ministry, Sierra Vista invests over $250,000 per year in our kids - not including teacher salaries and our investments in buildings?

    Sierra Vista spends roughly $38,105 per month on operations to do all that God calls us to? Things like Utilities, Supplies, Maintenance, Insurance, Equipment, and Support

Scope of Ministries - 2024

Our 2024 projected budget of $1,650,000 is divided into categories which include all ministry areas and staffing. If you need more information, our line by line budget is available upon request.

* Staff expenses are allocated across the ministries in which they serve.

How Can I Give? 

For those who wish to give cash or a check in worship, there are envelopes available for your gift upon your request. 


For information on Electronic Funds Transfer, giving by credit card, or automatic bill pay through your bank, contact the church office or see the online giving page

If you are 73 or older, Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRAs might be the smartest way to support our church because these can qualify as your Required Minimum Distributions or RMDs. Please speak to us for more information.

Online pledge form